Striped crochet giraffe




The pattern to can be found from here.

There is also other bloggers who used/modified her striped giraffe pattern, here and here.

It is also good to note that there is something called the invisible join invented by planetjune for making perfect stripes.

I actually modified the whole pattern, because I made a mistake at the start and was too lazy to correct it… (But the basic idea was still from the link above).

And YES! I finally finished it! *clapclapclap* I shall never do something so stupidly large again. (This took me 1 month •__•)

Happy Birthday Singapore!

Today marks the 48th year since independence. Every year on 9th August, we celebrate National Day. (I LOVE NATIONAL DAY ^_^) I recently discovered that the equivalent of National Day is called Independence Day in America 0_o (wow. I am so ignorant sometimes…)

I should have done a merlion amigurumi just for the fun of it… *sigh* maybe next year… (In case you have never heard of it before, the merlion is a mythical creature with the head of a lion and the tail of a mermaid -> according to Wikipedia [actually I never knew it was considered a mythical creature and I was pretty sure it was made up… Whatever…] it is kind of considered the national icon of Singapore (?) -> I swear there is actually some identity issues

Oh and what was the reason that brought about that idea (of making the merlion that is) Because I was watching the NDP (National Day Parade) and they featured the merlion (which was super cute!) -> can’t find the photo of it *sniff*

Merlion: I am very emo… Eee-mo… Immobile!
[the merlion exists as a statue]

Another part of the conversation I liked was: (unfortunately I do not posses perfect memory…)

Merlion: I have always been standing so far away while everyone celebrates National Day. I have been waiting for you guys to invite me over. But no one ever did.

Host: Well then, join us!

Merlion: But I am scared of water

Host: You are???

Merlion: Why did you think I have never moved from the same spot!
[the statue of the merlion stands in a place almost surrounded by water]


Next year. I promise to make a merlion amigurumi.

Happy Birthday Singapore! (I think this is a little late to be saying this -_-)
I think this year celebration was the best!

Tell me how you do it in your country!


Just some brief updates to my followers (and ppl who do visit the blog…)

My collection of amigurumi residing in my house. (The rest have been given away)


The amigurumi sitting on a lifebuoy is my first ever attempt at making something. The yellow sphere was me trying to make a bird. [and then I realised after making 5 stuffed things, that I have been making my amigurumi the wrong side -_-] on the right, the purple thing (that my friends say look like a pig) was me trying to make a horse (from the little pony series) and Link (a pattern I diligently followed, just died) the black coil in the middle was me trying to make a black rose… The object in the middle that resembles nothing was supposed to be an owl.

Oh if you were wondering which pattern I was following for the Link pattern, click here
The end result was supposed to look like this… She makes the awesomest patterns!


And… there is no free pattern today. (Sorry!) Actually I try to come up with free patterns of small dolls on a two week basis -> I bet no one noticed due to my irregular postings -_- Anyways I have an excuse! My younger cousin (4 years old? -> actually I can’t remember her age…) birthday is coming soon. So I am trying to corchet something for her… (I don’t think I will finish in time… Since I have been banned to crocheting in the bus. WHY DIDN’T I STUDY HARDER?? Anyways my promotional exams are in 5 weeks and I am so dead -> for example chemistry, I am at chapter zero while the teacher is now teaching chapter 7 [actually this applies to 3 other subjects I am taking])

Anyways I came up with a whole list of things that would make nice patterns ^_^ (if there is anything you want me to make do tell me! I will try my best to do it after promos)

Oh and the birthday present I am trying to make is a striped giraffe!

Click here for the pattern I found from this awesome blog!

Anyways the conversation with my friend
Me: I am going to make a striped giraffe for my cousin!
Friend: You mean you are making a striped zebra.


^as you can see I am only at the head of the giraffe (and that took 5 bus rides…) that is my math homework in the background (I finally started doing my math homework! *clap clap clap* I have 5 months of math homework to do in 5 weeks)

Anyways on a side note, I plan to make a monkey pattern~ [the goal is 17 August!] So stay tuned! (Oh I just remembered I was going to do a groom pattern 0_o okay whatever. I will somehow manage…)

Wedding pattern (part 1)



Yeah~ finally finished the wedding doll I was making. It looks… rather… well… I was expecting it to be more elegant and everything else… *sigh* (sometimes skills and expectations don’t meet)

Do not sell this pattern. If you wish to distribute this pattern [free of charge] either in print or on other web sites please provide a link to this original post.


Ch -Chain
Dec- Decrease
Inc- increase
Rnd- round
Rep- Repeat
Sc- Single Crochet
Dc – double crochet
Sc2tog- Single Crochet 2 together (a decreasing st)
Sl st- Slip Stitch
St(s)- Stitch(es)
[ ]- Sets apart a group of stitches to be repeated as a whole

-yarn: black, white and flesh colour
-crochet hook
-safety eyes (size you deem appropriate)

R1: flesh colour yarn, magic ring work 5 in ring. Do not join. Insert stitch marker. (5)
R2: [2 sc in the each st] 5 times (10)
R3: [sc in next st, 2 sc in next st] 5 times (15)
R4: [sc in next 2 st, 2 sc in next st] 5 times (20)
R5: [sc in next 3 st, 2 sc in next st] 5 times (25)
R6: [sc in each st] (25)
R7: [sc in each st] (25)
R8: [sc in next 3 st, sc2tog] 5 times (20)
Insert stuffing and eyes
R9: [sc in next 2 st, sc2tog] 5 times (15)
R10: [sc in next 1 st, sc2tog] 5 times (10) change colour to white
R11: [sc in each st] (10)
R12: [sc in each st] (10)
R13: [sc in next 2 st, 2 sc in next st] 3 times, 1 sc (13)
R14: [sc in each st] (13)
R15: [sc in next 2 st, 2 sc in next st] 4times, 1 sc (17)
R16: [sc in each st] (17)
R17: [sc in next 2 st, sc2tog] 4 times, 1 st (13)
R18: [sc in next 2 st, sc2tog] 3 times, 1 sc (10) *remember this row. The skirt is going to start here*
R19 to R26: Continue sc in each st[10]
Finish stuffing doll

R1: Using white coloured yarn, magic ring, work 5 sc into ring (5) Do not join
R2: [2 sc in the each st] 5 times (10)
Join this to the base of the head/body

R1: In the outer loops of Round 18 of the torso [Join the white yarn, and sc in each st around] —- 10 sts.
R2: chain 3, [dc in next 2 st, 2dc in next st] 3 times, 1 dc st — 13sts
R3: dc in each st (until the skirt reaches the ground)

First you make the wig cap then you embroider the hair on. (I haven’t figured out the other methods of adding hair…)
-Wig cap
R1: black colour yarn, magic ring work 5 in ring. Do not join. Insert stitch marker. (5)
R2: [2 sc in the each st] 5 times (10)
R3: [sc in next st, 2 sc in next st] 5 times (15)
R4: [sc in next 2 st, 2 sc in next st] 5 times (20)
R5: [sc in next 3 st, 2 sc in next st] 5 times (25)
R6: [sc in each st] (25)
Sew this onto head. Start embroidering from where you want the hair to part.

How everything looks like without the bun.


R1: black colour yarn, magic ring work 5 in ring. Do not join. Insert stitch marker. (5) do not tighten all the way. (You will be embroidering through the hole. So you would want to keep it loose)
R2: [2 sc in the each st] 5 times (10)
R3: [sc in next st, 2 sc in next st] 5 times (15)
R4: [sc in each st] (15)
R5: [sc in next 2 st, sc2tog] 5 times (10)
R6: [sc2tog] 5 times (15)
Start embroidering!

How doll looks with bun attached:



Hahaha! If you are wondering how I attached the hair bun to the head, I used glue ^_^ (it takes less effort)

For the finishing touches, you could give it a touch of pink cheeks (well I generally give it a blush for females -> so people can tell it is a female doll…) and eyelash (I do it the lazy way. I use permanent markers to draw them on)

I will be doing the groom to match the bride soon ^_^ so stay tuned!

If you like this, please subscribe for more.

P.s: a male classmate told me that my crocheted dolls looked like voodoo dolls. The urge to do something horrible was almost overwhelming. Gah I absolutely dislike those people >;( Has this ever happened to anyone else? (or is it just me?)

Dabbling with 3D origami

I was browsing the Internet when I discovered that origami was actually… Well totally cool and awesome! (I don’t know what lame things they thought me back when I was younger that made me think otherwise)

Some photos of awesome 3D origami (that made me want to learn it)



You can find more of those here

anyways so I made my first ever 3D origami doll! After watching a youtube video of the basics and everything of course.

It is actually quite easy. The most time consuming part is folding the paper triangles you need before you can start making your own origami.

My paper triangle collection as of now. It is yellow because I am planning to make a Pikachu. (I have to stop my obsession with Pikachu…)


And well… The good thing of this hobby (? Or should I call art?) is that when you fold paper triangles in class, in front of the teacher, they don’t even think anything about it. [so I folded a whole lot of triangles I needed before I started assembling them] -> my teacher thought I must be going crazy.
It really helps you think that the time you spend in school is not a waste. (And you get less annoyed when teachers hold you back. Because you get to fold more triangles…)


Anyways a picture of the cute 3D origami doll I made for the first ever time ^_^ I have to say it is not bad for a first attempt. [well I hope I can say the same 1 year later…]

P.s black hair rocks ^_^

If you like this please do subscribe/follow me for more updates ^_^

Free pattern – Jinx (teen titans)

Alright here is the free pattern to your own crochet Jinx!! Just in case you don’t know, but this is how Jinx looks like in the show ^_^



^look at the similarity!! (Okay it isn’t very similar… But I swear the hair is her defining feature)

Haha. Anyways somethings to know about her:

“I’m bad luck. Good was never an option for me.” -Jinx

Oh and her hair is the symbol of good luck (because it looks like an upward pointing horseshoe) [it is almost like the irony because her powers come from bad luck)
And she is very smart. (*sigh* sometimes I wished I were smarter.)

Do not sell this pattern. If you wish to distribute this pattern [free of charge] either in print or on other web sites please provide a link to this original post.

Ch -Chain
Dec- Decrease
Inc- increase
Rnd- round
Rep- Repeat
Sc- Single Crochet
Sc2tog- Single Crochet 2 together (a decreasing st)
Sl st- Slip Stitch
St(s)- Stitch(es)
[ ]- Sets apart a group of stitches to be repeated as a whole

-yarn: black, purple, pink and flesh colour
-crochet hook
-safety eyes (size you deem appropriate)

R1: flesh colour yarn, magic ring work 5 in ring. Do not join. Insert stitch marker. (5)
R2: [2 sc in the each st] 5 times (10)
R3: [sc in next st, 2 sc in next st] 5 times (15)
R4: [sc in next 2 st, 2 sc in next st] 5 times (20)
R5: [sc in next 3 st, 2 sc in next st] 5 times (25)
R6: [sc in each st] (25)
R7: [sc in each st] (25)
R8: [sc in next 3 st, sc2tog] 5 times (20)
Insert stuffing and eyes
R9: [sc in next 2 st, sc2tog] 5 times (15)
R10: [sc in next 1 st, sc2tog] 5 times (10) change colour to black

R11: [sc in each st] (10)
R12: [sc in each st] (10)
R13: [sc in next 2 st, 2 sc in next st] 3 times, 1 sc (13)
R14: [sc in each st] (13)
R15: [sc in next 2 st, 2 sc in next st] 4times, 1 sc (17)
R16: [sc in each st] (17) change colour to purple
R17: [sc in next 2 st, sc2tog] 4 times, 1 st (13) change colour to black
R18: [sc in next 2 st, sc2tog] 3 times, 1 sc (10)
Finish stuffing doll

R1:Magic ring, work 5 sc into ring (5) Do not join
R2: [2 sc in the each st] 5 times (10)
Join this to the base of the head/body


Triangular stuff
Chain 3, skip and sc 1. Repeat 5 times. Or as many to go around the neck.
Sew it onto neck



Okay to make her hair pointy at the ends basically make a rectangle. (Why am I not making sense…)

Anyways for my doll. I took 23 chain stitches for it to go round the head. And four rows of dc. Before joining at the top. Then simply embroider the parting on appropriately.

You can use black yarn to go round her hair at the ends for the black stuff or… Just colour them black with permanent markers.

For the finishing touches, you could give it a touch of pink cheeks (well I generally give it a blush for females -> so people can tell it is a female doll…) and eyelash (I do it the lazy way. I use permanent markers to draw them on)


The beautiful end result!!

If you like this, do subscribe for more free patterns updates!

Jinx (teen titans)




And… I CROCHETED A JINX! (What is Jinx? Basically Jinx is this cartoon character from teen titans and if you have not watched teen titans before or do not know what teen titans is, it is because of it being a different generation of kid shows -> I watched all the kid shows ever because my younger sibling insisted on watching them, despite any of my protests [admittedly made rather weakly]

Yah~ and I absolutely love Jinx!! (And Raven as well. Maybe I should make the whole collection of teen titans…) So why do I like her? Because she changed sides from the evil to the good! (Well I also like characters that change from the good to the evil.) And is also cursed with bad luck (oh gosh. I hope making this won’t bring me bad luck…)

Okay maybe it is because she is the leader of an evil gang, and also being the only female and also the leader. [why does this remind me of my project work group -_-]

Anyways I will be posting the pattern to this sometime next week ^_^ So subscribe and stay tuned.

Free pattern – Flash (the hero)

And I just crocheted a Flash (well I was going to do a kid flash but then I didn’t know if it was supposed to be orange or red… So I decided to do a Flash.)





Finished product ^_^ he was going to have hands and legs actually but then it didn’t look as cute so….

Do not sell this pattern. If you wish to distribute this pattern [free of charge] either in print or on other web sites please provide a link to this original post.


Ch -Chain
Dec- Decrease
Inc- increase
Rnd- round
Rep- Repeat
Sc- Single Crochet
Sc2tog- Single Crochet 2 together (a decreasing st)
Sl st- Slip Stitch
St(s)- Stitch(es)
[ ]- Sets apart a group of stitches to be repeated as a whole

-yarn: red, yellow, white and flesh colour
-crochet hook
-safety eyes (size you deem appropriate) -> I think I used 7.5mm

R1: flesh colour yarn, magic ring work 6 in ring. Do not join. Insert stitch marker. (6)
R2: [2 sc in the each st] 6 times (12)
R3: [sc in next st, 2 sc in next st] 6 times (18)
R4: [sc in next 2 st, 2 sc in next st] 6 times (24)
R5: [sc in next 3 st, 2 sc in next st] 6 times (30)
R6: [sc in each st] (30)
R7: [sc in each st] (30)
R8: [sc in next 3 st, sc2tog] 6 times (24)
Insert stuffing and eyes
R9: [sc in next 2 st, sc2tog] 6 times (18)
R10: [sc in next 1 st, sc2tog] 6 times (12) change colour to red


R11: [sc in each st] (12)
R12: [sc in next 2 st, 2 sc in next st] 4 times (16)
R13: [sc in each st] (16)
R14: [sc in next 2 st, 2 sc in next st] 5 times, 1st (21)
R15: [sc in each st] (21) change colour to yellow
R16: [sc in each st] (21)
R17: [sc in next 2 st, sc2tog] 5 times, 1 st (16) change colour to red
R18: [sc in next 2 st, sc2tog] (12)
Finish stuffing doll

R1:Magic ring, work 6 sc into ring (6) Do not join
R2: [2 sc in the each st] 6 times (12)
Join this to the base of the head/body


Mask (okay frankly all I can say is that this really depends on where your eyes are sewed on/glued on/ stuck on. So you have to use this with discretion)
This is based on where my amigurumi eyes are located.
R1: red colour yarn, magic ring work 6 in ring. Do not join. Insert stitch marker. (6)
R2: [2 sc in the each st] 6 times (12)
R3: [sc in next st, 2 sc in next st] 6 times (18)
R4: [sc in next 2 st, 2 sc in next st] 6 times (24)
R5: [sc in next 3 st, 2 sc in next st] 6 times (30)
R6: [sc in each st] (30)
R7: [sc in each st] (30)
R8: [sc in next 3 st, sc2tog] 6 times (24)

Here is the slightly tricky part (?) Well almost. (Or it will be due to poor explanation skills)

Position the mask titling backward, then crochet one row of sc from the first eye to the second eye. And continue until it is in a suitable size, so that it can enclose the eye. Chain3, and skip 3 and treble crochet 4 times chain 3 and join to other side of mask. You can sew on the mask so it will never come off [hopefully the picture below explains better]


Lightning thingy that sticks at the side of the mask (make 2)
Chain 3
Skip, sc in next 2
Attach to sides of the head

Crest on chest
Magic ring work 5. Join. Embroider/sew/crochet onto the chest

Embroider the lightning symbol.

Yeah and you are done!!!

How did you like it? (Actually this is my first project I made an effort to remember my stitches…) anyways if you have any questions feel free to ask! Oh and subscribe for future free cute patterns ^_^ thanks! Hope you found this useful.

Crocheted Rin Kagamine


Yay! I finally finished the Rin Kagamine doll for my friend’s birthday~ [okay admittedly I forgot her birthday so it was a belated present…] She listens to vocaloids (which kinda influenced me to listen to some too~) Anyways I discovered that the vocaloids have so many different type of clothing for each different song (I really have no idea how this vocaloid thing works except I like listening to the songs [okay some] -> I can’t understand Japanese)

Sooooo, my Rin Kagamine is based on these pictures! (I got them from the Internet ^_^)




Okay maybe not the last one… (But I couldn’t resist… THEY ARE SO ADORABLE!!!)
*sigh* I wish I can draw something nice

Oh on a random side note, somehow my Rin Kagamine looked so much cuter without arms…


[I was forgiven for forgetting her birthday when I presented this to her ^_^]

And as for the pattern, there wasn’t one… (Much to my annoyance) so I made up my own. [thank goodness it turned out fine]